Changing the world....One Breath a Time
Would you like to….
Expand you awareness
Have more physical and mental energy
Be less judgmental of problems
Gain mental clarity and focus
Experience vivid connectedness with God/ Source
Get more joy from giving and receiving
Easily access answers to life's tough questions
Live a healthier, more vibrant life and find out the answers to the difficult questions related to life?
The Tibetan term for meditation means “ to become familiar” What arises in our mind is what we are most familiar with . If somenone treats us unkindly or disrespectfully, we immediately feel hurt or angry, it is because these are the reactions that we are most familiar with or habituated to.
Buddhist meditation involves making our mind familiar with positives states such become more natural and spontaneous. Then, when we encounter an unkind or hostile person we’ll be more likely to remian calm and patient an deven feel compassion for them.